Information for journalists and editors

Hello, we are Jens and Angela Hanson.


We have further developed the idea of emissions trading on a citizen level and conceptualized it in such a way that it could initially be introduced within the EU. By means of the resource currency ECO, CO2 pricing is decoupled from the monetary system and made available to each citizen in the form of a personal emissions budget as a basic ecological income. In this way, everyone can decide for themselves how to integrate climate protection into their lives - not whether!

Are you interested in an interview or reporting?

Contact us!

phone: +49 (0) 176 55 044 564 | e-mail: saveclimate[at]

Topics we would like to talk about

  • Why we can no longer solve the climate crisis through appeals to do without.
  • Why politics can't fix it, industry doesn't want to fix it, and we consumers are faced with an insurmountable task.
  • How personal emissions budgets could be the effective and socially just counter to all current measures.
  • How a separate emissions price tag in the ECO climate currency ensures that the climate impact of products can be compared. 
  • How we could pay for our individual CO2 consumption via our own climate account. 
  • Why emissions trading at the citizen level is superior to certificate trading by industry and the CO2 tax.

More about us

Three years ago we founded the climate protection NGO SaveClimate.Earth and since 2021 we are EU certified Climate Pact Ambassadors. With our organization for sustainable economy, we pursue the goal of bringing about a fundamental systemic change in climate policy. To this end, we have developed the principle of personal carbon trading into a model that can be introduced initially in the EU at any time, or ideally within as large an alliance as possible.  


The concept of the climate currency ECO (Earth Carbon Obligation) comprises a system for the quotation, pricing and accounting of CO2 equivalents, which works completely without taxation or allowance trading for industry. We call it "Cap, Personalize and Trade." It provides each individual with an equal, personalized and tradable emissions budget, which also enables seamless recording, transparent mapping and fair accounting of CO2 equivalents. 


The model ensures that we once again deal more responsibly with nature and its limited resources. And this with maximum personal freedom to decide on our consumption - but within clearly defined limits for everyone.


With our solution approach, we want to advance the discussions about fair climate protection that is appropriate to the crisis, and to initiate the political changes that are urgently needed for this.


Our goal is to make the model of the climate currency ECO public and comprehensible for many people, and to bring it into the public and political debate as a social and fair, but above all effective alternative to CO2 taxes and EU certificate trading.

Jens has been working as an IT systems engineer at Deutsche Flugsicherung for 20 years. Prior to his studies, he completed an apprenticeship as an energy systems electronics engineer. He accompanies the office of the 1st chairman and is mainly responsible for the development of campaign and communication strategies. 

is an educated chemical laboratory technician and worked in R&D for 20 years. Most recently, she worked as a product manager and developer at Procter & Gamble. Today, she is the 2nd chair of SaveClimate.Earth. Angela works full time as a volunteer for the association and is mainly responsible for public relations. 

We are passionate about causal relationships as well as socially critical topics. In doing so, we analytically question conventions and also look for abstract approaches. For us, thinking "out-of-the-box" means above all not necessarily finding the solution in the same system that created the problems in the first place. In this way, we try to develop new models that work more equitably and efficiently. 

Image material

There is no charge for the use of the images for media coverage of us or the ECO climate currency model.

Information material
