About us

We are Angela and Jens Hanson - in 2020 we founded the climate protection NGO SaveClimate.Earth - an organization for sustainable economy. With the climate currency ECO (Earth Carbon Obligation), we have taken up the idea of Personal Carbon Trading and developed it into a model that could initially be introduced at EU level.


Since 2021, we are certified as EU Climate Pact Ambassadors by the EU Commission and are committed to global climate justice by using the ECO to establish a system that enables a more responsible use of nature and its resources. Through personal tradable emission budgets, individual CO2 consumption is decoupled from the issue of debt, while still ensuring that planetary boundaries are effectively respected.


Our goal is to make the concept of the climate currency ECO visible and comprehensible, and to bring it into the public and political debate as a social and fair, but above all effective alternative to CO2 tax and EU emissions trading system.  

Jens Hanson

has been working as an IT systems engineer at Deutsche Flugsicherung for 20 years. Prior to his studies, he completed an apprenticeship as an energy systems electronics engineer. He accompanies the office of the 1st chairman and is mainly responsible for the development of campaign and communication strategies. 

Angela Hanson

is an educated chemical laboratory technician and worked in R&D for 20 years. Most recently, she worked as a product manager and developer at Procter & Gamble. Today, she is the 2nd chair of SaveClimate.Earth. Angela works full time as a volunteer for the association and is mainly responsible for public relations. 

We are passionate about causal relationships as well as socially critical topics. In doing so, we analytically question conventions and also look for abstract approaches. For us, thinking "out-of-the-box" means above all not necessarily finding the solution in the same system that created the problems in the first place. In this way, we try to develop new models that work more equitably and efficiently.  

We do not claim that implementing this concept is effort-neutral. However, we are convinced that it will be much more difficult to manage the consequences of unchecked climate change in the future if we do not act effectively today. After all, meeting the climate target is not optional, but has no alternative - it is a gigantic project for society as a whole that cannot be tackled by individuals, but only by us together as part of a large coherent approach to solving the problem. Our concern is to put this climate concept up for discussion and to be understood as a stimulus to improve it or even to develop other alternatives. It is in the nature of things that not everything is perfect from the beginning - we are also learning and constantly revising this concept. Therefore, we are grateful for constructive criticism. 

We must understand that we cannot destroy the world, we can only destroy OUR world!

We are European Climate Pact Ambassador

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